Lieutenant Colonel Nathaniel Grenier

Name Nathaniel Jamison Grenier

Position Mission Advisor

Second Position Group Commander

Rank Lieutenant Colonel

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human-Betazoid
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 215 pounds
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tall and roundly muscular with an air of empathetic discipline about him this Marine has a friendly face with eyes that delve into your soul.


Spouse Single
Children Na
Father Gulman Venhatrai
Mother Patricia Grenier
Brother(s) Only Child
Sister(s) Only Child
Other Family Redacted at express will of family

Personality & Traits

General Overview The only son of a one night fling between a high ranking Betazoid and a Human xeno-Anthropologist.
Strengths & Weaknesses STRENGTH: emphatically insightful
Weakness: too trusting of temporary feelings in others
Strength: learns fast
Weakness: some lessons are best learned before the fact
Ambitions To make a permanent mark on the galaxy ...
Hobbies & Interests Military History
Martial Arts (practices Aki-jujitsu)
Psychological and parapsychology studies

Personal History Raised to be an academic
Found greater access to more interesting topics and subjects in the SFMC ...
REALIZED a his mind belonged to Science but his heart belonged to the Corps.
Service Record SFMCA
Intelligence Officer/interrogation
Applied for and received Special Operations duty
Special Operations Platoon Leader
Applies for and received Special Operations flight duty
Special Operations Pilot
Omega Team Leader
*redacted from Starfleet Security*